Tips on Running the Gold Ore Beneficiation Plant

The technology of gold mining is well established, having evolved and developed largely over the past century. Much of the world's gold production has come from deep narrow veins or from thin-bedded layers called reefs; these have been difficult to mine because of high temperature, humidity, and extreme rock pressure, which often cause dangerous rock bursts.
Milling technology for gold is highly developed, and normal mill recovery rates may range from 92 to 96 percent. Gold is recovered by cyanidation, amalgamation, flotation, gravity Concentration, and smelting or by a combination of these processes. When gold is associated with copper ores, it travels with the base metal through concentration and smelting to the refining stage. It is eventually separated from the anode slimes that accumulate in electrolytic refining cells and is recovered as gold bullion in the precious metals refinery. Gold losses in concentrating are about the same as for copper, but are negligible in smelting and refining.
Zhengzhou Unique Industrial Company is a main supplier of all the equipment in the complete gold beneficiation plant in China.